glTF Models for E-Commerce
I made these assets while contributing to web 3D standards in weekly conference calls
with The Khronos Group via their 3D Formats and 3D Commerce working groups.
I also wrote tutorials and guides that feature these assets: Adding Material Extensions to glTF Models and the KTX Artist Guide.
HDR lighting courtesy of Poly Haven.
I also wrote tutorials and guides that feature these assets: Adding Material Extensions to glTF Models and the KTX Artist Guide.
HDR lighting courtesy of Poly Haven.
AnisotropyBarnLamp glTF

Anisotropy example model, a stress test for glTF Anisotropy. Credits: (c) 2023 Wayfair, model and textures by Eric Chadwick, CCBY 4.0. Download and details here on GitHub
ClearcoatWicker glTF

Clearcoat example model to demonstrate different bump maps for base and Clearcoat in glTF. Credits: CC0, No Rights Reserved. Model and textures created by Eric Chadwick. Download and details here on GitHub.
GlamVelvetSofa glTF

Velvet example model to test glTF Sheen and Variants. Credits: (c) 2021 Wayfair, model and textures by Eric Chadwick, CCBY 4.0. Download and details here on GitHub.
GlassBrokenWindow glTF

Broken glass example model to test glTF Alpha Mask with Transmission. Credits: CCBY 4.0, model and textures by Eric Chadwick. Download and details here on GitHub.
GlassHurricaneCandleHolder glTF

Hurricane glass candle holder to demonstrate colored glass using glTF Transmission and Volume. Credits: (C) 2023, Wayfair LLC, model and textures by Eric Chadwick, CCBY 4.0. Download and details here on GitHub.
This asset was also used for a tutorial I wrote called Adding Material Extensions to glTF Models.
This asset was also used for a tutorial I wrote called Adding Material Extensions to glTF Models.
GlassVaseFlowers glTF

Glass flower vases to show the differences between Alpha Blend and Transmission in glTF. Credits: CC0, glass vase by Eric Chadwick, flowers by Rico Cilliers. Download and details here on GitHub.
IridescenceAbalone glTF

Iridescent abalone shell to demonstrate thin film iridescence in glTF. Credits: CCBY 4.0, material by Eric Chadwick, model by Abby Crawford. Download and details here on GitHub.
IridescenceLamp glTF

Iridescent lamp to test glTF Iridescence on a real-world product. Credits: (C) 2022, Wayfair LLC, model and textures by Eric Chadwick, CCBY 4.0. Download and details here on GitHub.
IridescentDishWithOlives glTF

Iridescent olive dish to test glTF Iridescence on a real-world product, along with Transmission and Volume for the glass and Alpha Test for the gold leaf. Credits: (C) 2021, Wayfair LLC, model and textures by Eric Chadwick, CCBY 4.0. Download and details here on GitHub.
SheenChair glTF
Velvet chair to test glTF Sheen and Variants. Credits: (C) 2021, Wayfair LLC, model and textures by Eric Chadwick, CCBY 4.0. Download and details here on GitHub.
SpecularSilkPouf glTF

Specular shot-silk fabric on a pouf pillow as a demonstration of Specular and Sheen in glTF. Credits: (C) 2023, Wayfair LLC, material by Eric Chadwick, CCBY 4.0.
This material is based on photo reference of real silk fabric, an Italian 15th century gown in shot silk. The fabric creates an iridescent-like effect by weaving two or more colors in opposing directions with warp and weft silk yarns.
This material is based on photo reference of real silk fabric, an Italian 15th century gown in shot silk. The fabric creates an iridescent-like effect by weaving two or more colors in opposing directions with warp and weft silk yarns.
StainedGlassLamp glTF

Stained glass lamp to test rough Transmission in glTF for the stained glass and smooth Transmission with Volume and IOR for the hanging plastic beads. Credits: (C) 2021, Wayfair LLC, model and textures by Eric Chadwick, CCBY 4.0. Download and details here on GitHub.
This asset was also used to test KTX2 texture compression, then I wrote the KTX Artist Guide to share the techniques.
This asset was also used to test KTX2 texture compression, then I wrote the KTX Artist Guide to share the techniques.
ToyCar glTF

Toy car to demonstrate glTF Sheen, Transmission and Clearcoat. Credits: CC0, materials by Eric Chadwick, model by Guido Odendahl. Details and download here on GitHub.