Architectural Rendering & Visualization

I built and rendered the following interiors using 3ds Max and V-Ray for an interactive 360 preview which can be viewed here.

Screenshots of a VR scene created in Unity. I managed another artist who made the room, then I created the lighting and improved the materials. The sun direction is moveable in real-time, creating dynamic bounce lighting in the room.

Screenshot from an interactive real-time 3D web app. I managed outsourcers who made the rooms, then I created the lighting, modeled furniture, and added cameras and furniture layouts. I also created extensive documentation for the whole process, to better manage our third-party creators.

A stadium I built, along with the interior floorplans and furniture, using 3ds Max and mentalray. I started from an inaccurate and incomplete stadium the client bought on Turbosquid, fixing the proportions and rebuilding/retexturing the exterior.

A floorplan I created for an interactive web app, along with the hotel exterior. Created with 3ds Max and mental ray.

I built and rendered these floorplans, with swappable furniture layouts. Built in 3ds Max and rendered with mental ray.