Lighting, Palettes, Level Design
From 2011-2012 I was Senior World Builder at Stomp Games/Tencent Boston for the game Robot Rising.
Robot Rising is a browser-based F2P 3D RPG running on Facebook, and built in Unity3D.
I did lighting, palettes, level design, and polish.
Scene Lighting
I created all the lighting in the game, using a modular system of light meshes.
Lighting uses a single dynamic light, along with radiosity lightmapping, emissive, specular, reflection, fog, and bloom.

Theme Palettes
I created all the color variations in the game: for characters, environments, decorative meshes, and effects.
The game swaps the palettes as the player teleports into each level.
I used the palettes to control diffuse, emissive, reflection, specular, fog, bloom, and color grading.

I created these palettes for the "Space Citadel" theme. These are the same 3D assets, just re-colored in the game:

Some of the palette values in Unity, for the environment meshes and the camera.

Level Design
I designed, scripted, populated, and polished levels. Timelapse video:
I created wiki docs for hazards, setdress, and gameplay flow:

Utility Shader
I created this preview shader using Shader FX, so the art team could view their textures while working in 3ds Max.The "utility map" had five textures stored in the four color channels of a single bitmap (red, green, blue, alpha). Creating and editing this texture was difficult and slow, before I built the shader.

Cubemap Backdrop
I created this cubemap background for the "Space Citadel" levels.
Base Lighting
I created a new color scheme and lighting for the Base.

Theme Illustrations
I made these splash screens, with space on the left for text. I created the scenes in Unity 3D, then did paintovers in Photoshop. Rollover (or click) to see before and after: